Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quick Letter Home

[sent Jan. 17, 2014]

I'm sending you a few pictures. I wish I could send more, but my camera died after I downloaded these three. I need to charge it, but I forgot to.

Btw, I've forgotten a lot of things since I got here. I've also lost many things. I've lost my water bottle with a filter, my SD card with the first two weeks of pictures, my access card, my wallet (which had my drivers' license, my patriarchal blessing, my temple recommend, 1500 pesos, and my debit card), my missionary handbook, a pair of pants, and my dignity. Btw, I need you to cancel my debit card and see if anything suspicious has been purchased. I got to go proselyting for the first time yesterday. I'm writing you guys a letter about it. I hope you guys don't miss me too much. I still just feel like I'm at BYU-I, except it always feels like Sunday. The MTC is very nice and comfortable, unlike the mission field. I'm sure once I'm out in the mission field it won't feel like college anymore.

I can't believe that I'll be out in the field in less than 2 weeks. I feel like I just got here. It's fun and I'm learning a lot. Soon it will be hard and I'll be learning a lot more.

Anyway, don't worry about all of the things that I've lost. The sisters are taking care of me.

-Elder Southwick

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